(呼吸系统) 问1:54岁男性。呼吸困难、咳嗽、咯痰和嗜唾。睡眠中伴随有呼吸暂停的不规则性呼吸,即在呼吸暂停期终止同时呈现呼吸量渐增,继而又渐减的周期性换气。此患者在室内环境呼吸时的动脉血气分值,应为下列何者? 问2:24岁女性。在煤气取暖屋中就寝,家人发现其昏迷不醒,乘急救车来院就诊。检查:可见粘膜部分呈鲜红色无发绀现象。脉搏104/分,呼吸24/分。肺野广泛的粗支气管呼吸音,有湿性啰音。血压28/14mmHg,动脉血O_2分压为84.4mmHg,CO_2分压,34.6mmHg。应采取那项急救处理?
(Respiratory System) Ask 1:54 year old man. Dyspnea, cough, expectoration, and addiction. Sleep accompanied by irregular breathing of apnea, that is, the end of apnea also showed a gradual breathing, and then decreased periodic ventilation. Arterial blood gas score for this patient when breathing in the indoor environment should be as follows? Question 2:24 year old woman. In the gas heating house to sleep, the family found its unconscious, ambulance to the hospital. Check: Visible mucosal part was bright red without cyanosis. Pulse 104 / min, breathing 24 / min. Lung extensive bronchial respiratory sounds, wet rales. Blood pressure 28 / 14mmHg, partial pressure of arterial blood O_2 84.4mmHg, CO_2 partial pressure, 34.6mmHg. Which emergency treatment should be taken?