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1 前言 调谐质量阻尼器是最早的一种结构振动控制装置。用质量阻尼器控制振动的概念可以追溯到1909年。那年,Frahm发明了一种叫动力吸振器的振动控制器。虽然调谐质量阻尼器是一种最老的结构振动控制装置,但近年来又引起了人们对它的研究兴趣,特别是在日本,许多新的高耸建筑物上安装了各种改型的这类系统来减小结构在风和中等地震下的振动。有关它们最近应用的概况可以在Soong等(1994)的文章中找到。由于在所有这类应用中,被动调谐质量阻尼器是基本的机械装置,因此对其性能的理解和它的设计就变得十分重要。 Frahm发明的振动控制装置没有任何固有阻尼。这种装置仅当吸振器的自振频率与激励频率非常接近时才有效,且若激振频率偏离吸振器的自振频率,则装置将遭受到严 1 Introduction Tuning mass damper is the earliest structure of a vibration control device. The concept of mass dampening vibration control dates back to 1909. That year, Frahm invented a vibration controller called a dynamic absorber. Although the tuned mass damper is one of the oldest structural vibration control devices, interest has been drawn in recent years for it, especially in Japan where many new tall buildings have been retrofitted with various retrofits System to reduce the vibration of the structure under wind and moderate earthquakes. An overview of their recent applications can be found in Soong et al. (1994). Since passive tuned mass dampers are the basic mechanism in all such applications, understanding their performance and its design becomes important. The vibration control device invented by Frahm does not have any inherent damping. This device is effective only when the natural frequency of the vibration absorber is very close to the excitation frequency and the device will suffer if the excitation frequency deviates from the natural frequency of the vibration absorber
近读曹公度先生《大台高风——对之质疑》(见《收藏界》2006年第5期),获益良多。尤其是对曹先生所说“斯书刊有太老师真伪鉴别对比彩图及介绍,赝品者俗不入目,姑且不论。然所刊‘真迹’者中却是赝品满目,让人不觉凉气直冒,心惊胆战”颇感兴趣,为此特去书店购得《中国近现代书画真伪鉴别·张大千卷》反复解读,该卷中指赝为真的图例倒真是有点让人应接不暇。笔者拈出以下三图加以辨析,聊作曹文拈伪之补遗。    《龙
<正> 八角茴香、莽草子和红茴香,同属于木兰科植物的果实.形态和气味相似,容易误食中毒.一但误食莽草子和红茴香就会发生中毒.为了避免误食中毒,下面谈谈三者的鉴别.八角茴香