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   At first, I spent about four to six hours a day on Facebook, mostly messaging family and old or new friends. I liked being able to talk to my friends from home, because people were always fighting outside.
   But you couldn’t get away from fighting, even on Facebook. People posted videos of fights or kids being bullied, or shared someone’s photo without their permission, spreading bad rumors.
   I always hated bullying. The first time someone bullied me, I was six. Every day when we went out to recess, one little boy would make me get on the ground. He would get on top of me and ride me like I was a horse. Kids laughed at me, and I felt humiliated. I did not tell my teacher because I thought that would make it worse.
   I also did not tell either my birth or foster parents for a long time, because I was scared. I did not know how they would react. Finally, one day, I told my birth father over the phone. He told me to defend myself by hitting the kid back. I did as I was told and I felt great after. I know fighting is not the answer but from that day, I did not let anyone bully me!
   Bullying Online
   Both my parents and my foster mother taught me that if someone lays a hand on you, you should defend yourself, and that is what I do. However, Facebook is a different world; people do not fight with fists. Instead, they argue or make fun of people or spread rumors. Girls post half-naked pictures of themselves so tons of boys can “Like”them. However, that turns into bullying too because people start calling them whores.
   Other girls’ nudity bothers me because it encourages males to speak to all girls in a disrespectful way, and I do not appreciate that. Plus, I think some girls are uploading these types of pictures because they don’t get the right attention they want and need at home. I feel sorry for them.
   Facebook should be a safe place for people to just hang out and share pictures of where they’ve been. I noticed there was a “report” button on Facebook to report offensive or inappropriate posts to the site’s administrators. Facebook will take down any post that violates their terms which include, “You will not bully, intimidate, or harass any user. You will not post content that is hate speech, threatening, or pornographic…”
   When I was 16, I started reporting. The first thing I reported was a video of a group of boys jumping a boy and making him strip. I had never seen something like this.    I showed my foster mom the video and she was disgusted too. I reported it because I felt it was the right thing to do.
   After I reported the video, I got a response saying, “Thank you. Facebook will review your report.”Within an hour, the video was down. I felt good that I might have helped that boy by stopping the spread of the video.
   Another thing I have reported is hate speech. I saw a picture of a dark-skinned black girl, and somebody had written a bunch of racist remarks. I did not even know the girl or who originally posted this picture, but I did not like that it was being shared throughout Facebook with racist comments. I refused to sit at my computer and let that hate be shared to the whole world.
   At times, I reach out to the victims on Facebook to let them know they are not alone, and that there are people like me who defend them. I also tell them, “You are beautiful inside and out. Do not let anyone else tell you otherwise.”
  A Nicer World?
  As I said before, girls posting naked pictures of themselves on Facebook hurts all girls, but sometimes I feel bad for the specific girl. Once I was looking through my news feed when I came across a collage of a girl. There was a topless picture of her, and text that said she was 13 and getting bullied at school because of this picture, and that she tried to kill herself. There was also a picture of her on a hospital bed with an IV in her arm.
  I thought,“What the hell is this?” Then I saw people’s comments:“That’s what she gets for acting like a whore.” “Look at our generation.” “Who took this picture?” She didn’t get sympathy, just judgment. I felt bad for the girl because it looked as if she really tried to commit suicide. I reported the photo.
  By reporting things that are mean, I hope to stop future bullying. I would really like to see Facebook change because if people behaved better on Facebook, they might be nicer in real life.
我不由得停住了脚步。   从未见过开得这样盛的香菜花,只见碧绿纤细的枝茎拥在一起,顶端开满了洁白的小花,如一层白雪覆盖在上面,在阳光下显得明亮而温润。微风轻拂,香菜花轻摇,把阳光轻柔地反射进我的眼里。   已是暮春时节,油菜的花期已经过去,只有零星几朵无力地点缀枝头,田野里似乎只剩下了一片碧绿。然而,香菜花却开着,并不着急着迎接夏天,一心为田野留下春色。   “我开花了。”它们微笑。  
“黄桷纤枝倚短墙,叶肥玉瘦沐骄阳。晚风习习涟波涌,一脉馨香满院芳。”我家楼顶花园栽种着两株黄桷兰。一株小些,另一株大些,像鲁迅文中的“两棵枣树”,都是货真价实的。   遗憾的是:在墙角旮旯,夏天的黄桷兰不被我等凡夫俗子认识,即便认识,也做不出随意摘取的行为。自己还信誓旦旦地认为:那是多么幼稚的事儿呢!不是不能,是确实不想。夏天的太阳火辣辣的,傍晚乘凉也不会坐在黄桷兰树下,真正的不遮风不挡雨,只有
“每天醒来被悲伤、自怜、失败的情绪包围时,我就这样与之对抗:沮丧时,我引吭高歌;悲伤时,我开怀大笑;病痛时,我加倍工作;恐惧时,我勇往直前;自卑时,我换上新装;不安时,我提高嗓音;穷困潦倒时,我想象未来的富有;力不从心时,我回想过去的成功;自轻自贱时,我想想自己的目标。总之,今天我要学会控制自己的情绪。”销售大师奥格·曼狄诺如是说。  我们每天都在生活,也每天都在为了生活进行着奋斗。可能是求学生涯
Ⅰ. accident 可以表示事故,指不幸的意外事件。也表偶然的事件。   ① Twenty people were killed in the railway accident   ② He met with an accident. 这完全是偶然的事。   Ⅱ. Incident 的意思是事件,尤指与较重大的事件相比,显得不重要的事件。它还可以表引起国际争端或战争的事件。   ① I
摘 要:教学《惟一的听众》一文,采用了“读中品,读中悟”的教学设计,预设了三次“读”:一读,读懂老人;二读,读懂作者;三读,读出感情。引导学生重点体会老教授对“我”的爱护、鼓励,以及“我”对老人的敬佩、感激之情。  关键词:读、品、悟;言行;心理;读懂老人;读懂作者;读出感情  中图分类号:G423 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1009-010X(2009)07/08-0051-01    冀教版五
1  这天早上,女巫布娜娜被闹钟叫醒,睁开惺忪的睡眼照镜子时,她发现自己的脸上长出了胡子,而且还是彪形大汉那样的络腮胡子。她吃惊得大叫:“这一定是假的!”  布娜娜用力地扯脸上的胡子,结果脸被扯得生疼,疼得她龇牙咧嘴,“哧溜哧溜”直吞口水。  “竟然是真的!我昨晚睡前没有吃什么奇怪的东西呀!一定是有人搞我恶作剧!”布娜娜赶紧回忆自己在女巫学校的“宿敌”。  女巫波洛洛?不,不会是她。虽然她一直嫉妒
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Progressive future and successful life require discipline and character. These things are embedded into the pattern of our lives through proper education and interaction with fellow human beings. A so
庄周梦蝶。  许多年来,这寓言衍生过多少不同的解释?  如果顺着作者《齐物论》的观念,以为“天地与我并生,萬物与我为一”,那么,人只要开放心灵,摒弃私见,不再泥执自我,在某方面而言,人和蝶未尝不可以互通互化;就在化物与化我之间,物我的界线消失,主客融化为一。  真是一个有趣而含义丰富的寓言,许多年后仍然能够引发各种的联想,比如说:睡眠与飞行。庄周说,他做了梦,梦见自己成为蝴蝶。如果一切正常,人在睡
摘要:Let’s say 教学是每个单元中主要的部分,也是教学方法上最难处理的一部分,优化Let’s say 教学效率,对于提高整体教学效率是非常有利的。  关键词:英语教学;优化;Let’s say;效率  中图分类号:G623.31文献标识码:A文章编号:1009-010X(2007)09-0039-02    在实施英语新课程标准过程中,我们重视对课文教学的研究,提高了课文的教学效率,但笔者