今年九月,北京民生现代美术馆在爱马仕女性世界创意总监Bali Barret与女装艺术总监Nadège Vanhée-Cybulski的指导下,化身为一座“伊人视界”(The View from Her),汇聚了爱马仕201 6年秋冬系列新品。依托舞蹈、音乐、展览与表演等多种表现形式,展品与空间碰撞共融,构成了充满活力的多维度视角,引领宾客们自由穿梭其问,潜入技艺与创意的深处,探索并定义现代女性,阐述爱马仕对时尚风格的理解。布景艺术家Antoine Platteau将美术馆打造为11个令人惊叹的独立而又融会贯通的展览空间——视角、《九重奏》、秘密抽屉、催眠方阵、矿石纪元、钉
In September of this year, Beijing Minsheng Art Museum, under the direction of Bali Barret, the creative director of Hermès Women’s World, and Nadège Vanhée-Cybulski, director of the women’s art department, turned into a “The View from Her” Autumn and winter series of new products. Relying on various forms of expression such as dance, music, exhibition and performance, the collision and integration of exhibits and space form a dynamic and multidimensional perspective, leading guests to freedom of movement, diving into the depths of art and creativity, exploring and defining modern Women, elaborated Hermes understanding of fashion style. Set decorator Antoine Platteau builds the gallery into 11 stunning independent, yet coherent exhibition spaces - perspectives, “The Trio”, Secret Drawer, Hypnotist Square, Ore Age, Nail