众人抗日卷春潮 1938年,著名爱国教育家陶行知从海外乘船归鄂,一下船首先到武汉大学看望学生,给他们作演说。为激励抗日斗志,开场讲了一个拆字谜“众人抗日”,要同学们猜一个字。片刻过后,纷纷答题,然而都未答对。陶行知便进一步引导他们作了四句解谜诗曰:“冬天即刻尽,枯柳将发青,希望在眼前,斗志正凌云。”这时一位女学生脱口而出:“春。”
The spring tide of the anti-Japanese scrolls In 1938, Tao Xingzhi, a famous patriotic educator, sailed overseas from Hubei Province. He first went to Wuhan University to see students and gave them speeches. In order to inspire anti-Japanese morale, the opening narrates a crossword puzzle “People Against Japan” and ask students to guess one word. After a few moments, they all answered questions, but none answered correctly. Tao Xingzhi further guided them to make four puzzle-riding poems: “Winters will be exhausted and the willow will be green. I hope that in front of me, the fighting spirit is dying.” Then a female student blurted out: “Spring.”