目的:报道门诊促排卵过程中突发宫外孕1例。方法:24岁女性,多囊卵巢综合征(PCOS)史,门诊尿促性腺激素(hMG)促排卵治疗,至月经周期20 d,突发下腹疼痛伴阴道出血,彩色超声提示:盆腔巨大包块,不排除异位妊娠可能,急查血hCG为923 ng/ml,急诊腹腔镜探查。结果:腹腔镜下清除盆腔积血约1 000 ml,行右侧输卵管开窗术,术后病理检查结果:见绒毛组织,符合输卵管妊娠。结论:对月经不调患者有停经史者促排卵之前,应常规排除妊娠可能,对患者自诉月经来潮医生应警惕是否异常子宫出血。应加强对门诊促排卵患者的随访工作,减少并发症的发生。
Objective: To report a case of sudden ectopic pregnancy during out-patient ovulation induction. Methods: A 24-year-old woman with a history of PCOS, outpatient urinary gonadotropin (hMG) ovulation induction treatment was given to the menstrual cycle for 20 days. The patient underwent abdominal pain accompanied by vaginal bleeding. Color ultrasound showed that pelvic mass , Does not rule out the possibility of ectopic pregnancy, acute blood hCG 923 ng / ml, emergency laparoscopic exploration. Results: Laparoscopic removal of pelvic hemorrhage about 1 000 ml, the right side of the fallopian tube fenestration, postoperative pathological findings: see villous tissue, in line with tubal pregnancy. Conclusion: Patients with irregular menstruation who have a history of menopause before ovulation should be ruled out the possibility of pregnancy routine, patients with self-prosecution menstruation doctors should be wary of abnormal uterine bleeding. Follow-up work should be stepped up for out-patient ovulation induction to reduce the incidence of complications.