石菖蒲Acorus tatarinowii Schott系天南星科菖蒲属植物的根状茎,民间以水煎剂治疗癫痫病有一定疗效。七十年代我们将石菖蒲醇提物、挥发油、α-细辛醚分别对慢性支气管炎患者进行了临床验证也有一定的疗效。α-细辛醚对控制哮鸣音效果明显,已鉴定。藤田真一等报道石菖蒲挥发油的化学成分,以细辛醚和β-细辛醚为主。杨峻山等报道含顺式甲基异丁香酚、榄香素、细辛醚、β-细辛醚、欧细辛醚、细辛醛。我们共分得10个成分,已鉴定d-δ-杜
Shichangpu Acorus tatarinowii Schott is a rhizome of the genus Acorus in the genus Acorus. It has a certain effect in the treatment of epilepsy with water decoction. In the 1970s, we used Shiqipu alcohol extract, volatile oil, and α-asarone to clinically verify patients with chronic bronchitis. The effect of α-asarone on the control of wheezing is obvious and has been identified. Fujita Shinichi et al. reported that the chemical composition of Volatile oil from Asparagus officinale was mainly composed of asarone and β-asarone. Yang Junshan et al. reported that they contained cis-methylisoeugenol, elemene, asarone, β-asarone, and asarone, and asarctone. We have a total of 10 components and have identified d-δ-D