例:女,41岁,因化脓性扁桃体炎,在门诊经青霉素皮 试阴性后,给予生理盐水250ml加青霉素640万U,地塞米 松5mg,静脉滴注2天,无不良反应,病情好转,自行中断 输液,在家口服阿莫西林0.25g(产地、批号不详)。15分钟 后突感心悸、气短、烦躁不安,继而神志不清,急送入院。 查体:休克状态,T35.8℃,P112次/分,R24次/分,BP 83/53mmHg,给予持续吸氧,先后静脉注射10%葡萄糖40ml 加地塞米松10mg和10%葡萄糖40ml加10%葡萄糖酸钙
Example: Female, 41 years old, due to suppurative tonsillitis, penicillin skin test negative in the clinic, given saline 250ml penicillin 6.4 million U, dexamethasone 5mg, intravenous infusion of 2 days, no adverse reactions, the condition improved, Interrupt their own infusion, at home, oral amoxicillin 0.25g (origin, lot number unknown). 15 minutes after the sudden heart palpitations, shortness of breath, irritability, and then unconsciously, admitted to hospital. Physical examination: shock state, T35.8 ℃, P112 beats / min, R24 beats / min, BP83 / 53mmHg, given sustained oxygen, intravenous injection of 10% glucose 40ml dexamethasone 10mg and 10% glucose 40ml plus 10% Calcium gluconate