随着公交票制、体制、机制的“三制”改革,城市公共交通由国营公交公司一家独占的局面,改革为国营、股份制、股份合作制、中外合资等多种经营形式,公共交通成为一种带有公益性的服务商品,步入社会主义市场经济体系。由于近年来城市建设发展较快,大批新城郊区的建立使专线车得到快速发展.给客车提供了良好、稳定的市场环境。 据国内权威机构预测,我国今后10年,将保持平均7%以上的经济增长速度,在“十五”期间,全国公路通车里程将增加到160万km,全国99.5%的乡镇和93%的行政村通公路。西部地区今后10年新建公路里程也将达35万km。国家小城镇建设规划的实施,将会有越来越多的农民“
With the reform of the “three systems” of public transportation ticket system, system and mechanism, urban public transport is dominated by state-owned bus companies and reformed into various forms of operation such as state-owned enterprises, shareholding system, joint-stock cooperative system, Sino-foreign joint ventures and the like, With the service of public goods, enter the socialist market economy. Due to the rapid development of urban construction in recent years, the establishment of a large number of Metro suburbs has led to the rapid development of green trains and provided a good and stable market environment for buses. According to the forecast of the domestic authorities, China will maintain an average economic growth rate of over 7% in the next 10 years. During the “Tenth Five-Year Plan” period, the mileage of highways in the country will increase to 1.6 million km, with 99.5% of the townships and 93% of the administrative Village access road. The new highway mileage in the western region will reach 350,000 km in the next 10 years. The implementation of national small town construction plan, there will be more and more farmers "