Reputation-based linear cooperation for spectrum sensing in cognitive radio networks

来源 :Journal of Zhejiang University Science A(An International Ap | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liweimin90
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We propose a reputation-based cooperative spectrum sensing scheme in cognitive radio (CR) networks to solve the uncertainty resulting from the multipath fading and shadowing effect. In the proposed scheme, each cooperative CR user has a reputation degree that is initialized and adjusted by the central controller, and used to weight the sensing result from the corresponding CR user in the linear fusion process at the central controller. A simple method for adjusting the reputation degree of CR users is also presented. We analyzed and evaluated the detection performance of the reputation-based cooperative spectrum sensing scheme. Simulation results showed that our proposed scheme alleviates the problem of corrupted detection resulting from destructive channel conditions between the primary transmitter and the CR user. The performance of our proposed scheme was improved compared to the average-based linear cooperation scheme, and was similar to that of the optimal linear cooperation scheme with feasible computational complexity. Moreover, our proposed scheme does not require knowledge of channel statistics. We propose a reputation-based cooperative spectrum sensing scheme in cognitive radio (CR) networks to solve the uncertainty resulting from the multipath fading and shadowing effect. In the proposed scheme, each cooperative CR user has a reputation degree that is initialized and adjusted by the central controller, and used to weight the sensing result from the corresponding CR user in the linear fusion process at the central controller. A simple method for adjusting the reputation degree of CR users is also presented. -based cooperative spectrum sensing scheme. Simulation results showed that proposed scheme alleviates the problem of corrupted detection resulting from destructive channel conditions between the primary transmitter and the CR user. The performance of our proposed scheme was improved compared to the average-based linear cooperation scheme, and was similar to that of the optimal linear cooperation schem e with feasible computational complexity. Moreover, our proposed scheme does not require knowledge of channel statistics.
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