手机似乎总是伴随着俊男和美女,随着梁咏琪成为科健手机代言人,似乎代言人已经成为了国产手机的标志,各大明星成为了国产手机冲锋陷阵的先锋。 因此,当联想手机广告上那位颇具东方女子韵味的美女不断出现在电视和报纸上的时候,人们理所当然地想“这是联想手机的形象代言人吧?” 在各个手机厂商大打美女牌的时代,联想却大谈特谈自身的研发实力、与国际厂商的技术合作,人们这才缓过劲来,原来联想主打的是科技牌,看惯了美女,觉得科技还是挺陌生的,尤其是对国产手机而言。那么,国产手机是否有资本打科技牌呢?打科技牌的出路何在?
Mobile phone always seems to be accompanied by handsome and beautiful, with Gigi as Kejian phone spokesman, it seems that the spokesman has become a symbol of domestic mobile phone, the major stars became the vanguard of the domestic mobile phone striker. Therefore, when Lenovo mobile phone ads that pretty oriental woman charm of beauty continue to appear in the television and newspapers, people take for granted “This is Lenovo’s mobile phone image of the spokesman, right?” , Lenovo talked about its own research and development strength, and international manufacturers of technical cooperation, people just take it easy, the original Lenovo is the flagship technology, used to seeing the beauty, that technology is still very strange, especially for In terms of domestic mobile phone. So, domestic mobile phone whether there is capital to play technology licensing it?