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家蚕(Bombyx mori)具有饲养容易、子代多、生命周期短、大小适中易于实验操作、遗传背景清楚、突变资源丰富等优点,长期被用作实验遗传学材料,被确定为鳞翅目昆虫的研究模式。家蚕也逐渐成为人类疾病模型和药物筛选的新型实验动物。近期的相关研究表明,在家蚕丰富的遗传资源中,存在着诸多人类遗传疾病模型,如苯丙酮尿症模型、帕金森病模型和海-普综合征模型等。家蚕在人类病原微生物致病机制探究方面也做出了重要贡献。此外,家蚕能够用于药代动力学研究及系统地评价药效及药物安全性,并且能够实现高通量药物筛选,可大大缩短新型药物的研发周期。本文综述了家蚕作为疾病模型及用于药物筛选的研究进展,分析了其开发前景,以期能够帮助人们全面地了解家蚕在新药研发中的作用,为大规模开展基于家蚕人类疾病模型的药物筛选提供参考。 Bombyx mori has long been used as experimental genetic material and has been identified as lepidopteran insects due to its advantages of easy feeding, long offspring, short life cycle, moderate size and easy operation, clear genetic background and abundant mutation resources. Research mode Bombyx mori also gradually become a new experimental animal for human disease model and drug screening. Recent studies have shown that there are many human genetic disease models in silkworm-rich genetic resources, such as phenylketonuria model, Parkinson’s disease model and the Hai-Pu syndrome model. Silkworms also make important contributions to the pathogenesis of human pathogenic microorganisms. In addition, the silkworm can be used for pharmacokinetic studies and systematic evaluation of drug efficacy and drug safety, and can achieve high-throughput screening of drugs, can greatly shorten the development cycle of new drugs. This review summarizes the research progress of silkworm as a disease model and its application in drug screening. The development prospect of silkworm is analyzed in order to help people understand the role of silkworm in the research and development of new drugs in a comprehensive way and provide the basis for large-scale drug screening based on silkworm human disease model reference.
书于我们,如良师益友.所谓“一书一世界,一语益一生.” 带着对与学生相处的困惑及寻找策略的迫切心情我找到了《师生沟通技巧》这本书,如获至宝,希望从其中寻找到打开教育之
我院共植入硅凝胶后房型人工晶体65眼,其中25眼因降压不当等原因,造成下袢植入困难,立即采用改进的方法,均1次顺利植入,具体方法介绍如下: 按现代白内障囊外摘除术,后囊膜抛
作者报告1例青光眼,右眼行 Elliott 氏角巩膜环钻术,术后持续低眼压,于术后1月余因搬运衣柜等重体力劳动,发现右眼视力模糊,右眼痛及头痛,眼底视神经乳头边缘轻度模糊,附近有
采用Madsen ZS 300型便携式阻抗听力计,对24名歼-八机飞行员进行了飞行前后、6年后鼓室压图测定。结果:(1)平均耳道容积为0.88ml,鼓室压为-29.34,声顺值为0.55。A型40耳、As
头孢哌酮(Cefoperazone Cpz)是第三代头孢菌素,具高效广谱杀菌作用;笔者应用于治疗两例因铁炮爆炸所致角膜穿通伤、球内异物、化脓性眼内炎患者取得了满意效果。 Cefoperaz
我院眼科自1984年至1987年10月,共收治眼外伤247例,其中眶内多发性芦柴蔑刺异物伤7例,占2.8%。 临床资料 (一) 一般情况:7例均为农村男性,7~9岁4例,25~40岁3例;均为单眼,左眼4
介绍了浸玻璃碳石墨材料的发展现状、所具有的优异特性、制造工艺以及应用实例等。 The development status of impregnated glassy carbon graphite materials, excellent