坚持党建引领发展 倾力服务地方经济——中国工商银行山西大同分行服务地方经济发展侧记

来源 :中国城市金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:orangeboy2222
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强基固本抓党建,同频共振促发展。党建工作要为经营发展提供动力和保障,经营发展又要成为党建工作的载体和“战场”。金融作为经济体运行的血液,只有顺应地方经济建设潮流,深度融入实体经济,才能做到与地方经济建设同频共振。山西大同分行始终坚持党建引领、文化聚力,有效发挥企业文化和党建的促进作用,不断提高全员的凝聚力和向心力,通过加强党建工作引领发展、贴近发展、服务发展,将业务发展积极融入当地建设,在业务发展的同时履行社会责任,赢得社会各界的广泛好评。 Strong base solidarity party building, the same frequency and promote development. The party building work must provide impetus and guarantee for business development. Business development must also become the carrier and “battlefield” of the party building work. As the blood run by the economy, finance can only achieve the same frequency of resonance with the local economic construction if it complies with the tide of local economic construction and deeply integrates with the real economy. Shanxi Datong Branch always upholds the leadership of the party building, cohesion of culture, effectively promote the promotion of corporate culture and party building, and continuously improve the cohesion and solidarity of all staff, through the strengthening of the party building to lead the development, development, service development, business development actively integrated into the local Construction, fulfilling social responsibilities while developing business, and won wide acclaim from all sectors of society.