目的:分析农村育龄妇女妇科常见病及宫颈癌前病变、宫颈癌的发病情况。方法:统一使用卫生部制定的宫颈癌检查表格,根据卫生部宫颈癌检查技术方案,结合云南省的实际情况,制定《云南省农村妇女宫颈癌检查项目实施方案》,按方案要求对云南省8个县的152 044例35~59岁已婚妇女进行免费宫颈癌项目筛查。结果:农村妇女妇科疾病总患病率为54.42%,其中生殖道感染患病率最高,占78.10%,子宫肌瘤及其他良性疾病占14.71%,宫颈癌前病变691例,患病率为4.50/万,宫颈浸润癌26例,患病率为1.71/万。结论:子宫颈癌是最常见的妇科恶性肿瘤之一,全球发病率在女性恶性肿瘤中居第二位,目前是唯一病因明确的恶性肿瘤,通过早发现、早诊断、早治疗可以取得良好的治疗效果,防止宫颈癌最有效的方法是定期妇科检查,积极治疗宫颈癌前病变。
Objective: To analyze the common gynecological diseases, precancerous lesions of cervical cancer and the incidence of cervical cancer in rural women of childbearing age. Methods: Uniform use of the cervical cancer checklist developed by the Ministry of Health, according to the Ministry of Health cervical cancer screening program, combined with the actual situation in Yunnan Province, to develop “Yunnan Province rural women cervical cancer screening program implementation plan”, according to the program requirements of Yunnan Province 8 152,044 married women aged 35-59 in a single county were screened for free cervical cancer. Results: The prevalence of gynecological diseases in rural women was 54.42%, of which the highest prevalence was genital tract infection, accounting for 78.10%, uterine fibroids and other benign diseases accounting for 14.71%, cervical precancerous lesions 691, the prevalence was 4.50 / Wan, 26 cases of invasive cervical cancer, the prevalence was 1.71 / million. Conclusion: Cervical cancer is one of the most common gynecologic malignancies. The global incidence is the second highest in female malignant tumors. Currently, it is the only malignant tumor with definite etiology. Good treatment can be obtained through early detection, early diagnosis and early treatment Effect, the most effective way to prevent cervical cancer is regular gynecological examination, active treatment of cervical precancerous lesions.