独自坐在教室里,一个人,静静地。望着窗外淅沥沥的小雨,不停地落在樱花骄嫩的花瓣上,花瓣在风雨中颤动着, 正在落下,正在落下……我刚刚得到了一个噩耗——我们初中的物理老师江老师不幸得了肺癌,晚期,快不行了。这噩耗让人心冷得说不出一句话,酸得让人流泪。说句心里话,我一点也不喜欢这个老师,他很啰嗦,每次说到一个要点时,他总是不厌其烦地重复着, 再加上他那潜山普通话,简直让人
Sitting alone in the classroom, one person, quietly. Looking at the window, the pattering rain dribbled on the petals of cherry blossoms. The petals trembled in the wind and rain. They were falling and falling... I just got a bad news - unfortunately, Mr. Jiang, our physics teacher from junior high school. I got lung cancer, and I was soon not able to. This sad news people can not say a word cold, sour people tears. In my heart, I didn’t like this teacher at all. He was embarrassed. Every time he talked about a point, he always took the trouble to repeat it. With his buried hill mandarin, it was almost