中国跨入了崭新的 2 1世纪 ,迎来了中国共产党建党 80周年。江泽民总书记《在庆祝中国共产党成立八十周年大会上的讲话》代表了全国六千多万党员的心声 ,具有十分重要的意义 ,是我们当前和今后一段时期学习的重要内容。江总书记的讲话高度概括了中国共产党发展壮大的历史。这个
China has stepped into a brand new 21st century and ushered in the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party. General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s speech “On the celebration of the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese Communist Party” represents the aspiration of more than 60 million Party members nationwide and is of great significance. It is an important part of our study now and in the coming period. General Secretary Jiang’s speech highly summarized the history of the Communist Party of China in its development and growth. This one