特色美食,是融物质与精神为一体的一种特殊的文化现象,可以满足旅游者的物质与精神需要。特色美食作为一种旅游吸引物,是旅游动机的重要组成部分,也是影响旅游者选择旅游项目的重要因素之一。陕西是传统美食之乡,饮食文化内涵丰富,风味小吃种类繁多,但目前开发力度较薄弱。要充分发掘和利用这一资源,改革特色餐饮业的发展模式,形成特色餐饮业的规模化、产业化,注重营销策略,带动旅游业发展,为经济发展注入新的活力。“,”Featured gourmet represents a special cultural phenomenon integrating spirit with material,which meets the tourists' need in terms of spirit and material. Being a tourist magnet, featured gourmet is an important part of tourist motivations as well as an key factors affecting the tourists' choice of tourist items. Shanxi,as a land of traditional gourmet, is endowed with catering culture with profound connotations and diversified locally flavored snacks,but little efforts has been made on gourmet development. Consequently, the article suggests that efforts should be made to excavate and utilize the catering culture resources,reform the development model for distinctive catering industry so as to develop scale and industrialization of distinctive catering industry. In addition, emphasis should be placed on marketing strategy to promote tourism development.