
来源 :河南省情与统计 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yhh9
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目前,国民经济核算体系正处于与国际统计体系全面接轨之际,又是行政机构改革巩固时期,围绕切实加强基层统计工作,全面提高统计数据质量的议题,笔者对基层统计人员的心态进行了测试,发现基层统计人员存在以下“几盼”: 一、盼基层单位主要领导的统计法制意识进一步增强。目前,困绕基层统计工作,制约统计数据质量的一个主要因素源于:个别基层领导干部对《统计法》认识不到位,法制观念淡薄,统计意识不强,要么不管不问,要么横加干涉, At present, when the system of national accounts is in full compliance with the international statistical system and is also the period of consolidation and reform of the administrative agencies, the author tests the mentality of grass-roots statisticians around the issue of strengthening the statistics at the grass-roots level and comprehensively improving the quality of statistics. And found that there are the following “few expectations” for the statisticians at the grass-roots level: First, they hope that the statutory and legal awareness of the leading leaders of the grass-roots units will be further enhanced. At present, one of the main factors that constrain statistical work at the grassroots level and restrict the quality of statistical data stems from the fact that some leading cadres at the grassroots level do not have a clear understanding of the “statistics law”, the legal concept is weak, their statistical awareness is not strong, they either ignore or interfere side by side,
行进、有朝气力、,,八I I厂j、 刀、(盟幽l 5一I缨型6.7 1 6绿水跟着骏马跟着n I;。“。——一●河 走。原 走。2 n I 6 0 ‘‘‘‘———一l·月 亮 走,春 光 走,『6一JⅡ她
目的 :继NO之后 ,另一种可弥散性气体分子CO ,逐渐引起人们的重视。已发现CO与NO相似 ,在机体多种生理和病理状态中发挥信使作用。体内的CO由血红素氧合酶 (HO)催化血红素分解产生后进入
:【目的】观察关节软骨细胞在几丁糖凝胶中培养的生物学行为 ,以探讨几丁糖凝胶作为组织工程细胞支架的可行性。【方法】从幼龄兔关节表面削取薄层软骨 ,经酶消化获得大量的
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