A Novel Tracking-by-Detection Method with Local Binary Pattern and Kalman Filter

来源 :Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lkstudybitcc2008
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Tracking-Learning-Detection(TLD)is an adaptive tracking algorithm,which tracks by learning the appearance of the object as the video progresses and shows a good performance in long-term tracking task.But our experiments show that under some scenarios,such as non-uniform illumination changing,serious occlusion,or motion-blurred,it may fails to track the object.In this paper,to surmount some of these shortages,especially for the non-uniform illumination changing,and give full play to the performance of the tracking-learning-detection framework,we integrate the local binary pattern(LBP)with the cascade classifiers,and define a new classifier named ULBP(Uniform Local Binary Pattern)classifiers.When the object appearance has rich texture features,the ULBP classifier will work instead of the nearest neighbor classifier in TLD algorithm,and a recognition module is designed to choose the suitable classifier between the original nearest neighbor(NN)classifier and the ULBP classifier.To further decrease the computing load of the proposed tracking approach,Kalman filter is applied to predict the searching range of the tracking object.A comprehensive study has been conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm(TLD_ULBP),and different multi-property datasets were used.The quantitative evaluations show a significant improvement over the original TLD,especially in various litghting case. Tracking-Learning-Detection (TLD) is an adaptive tracking algorithm, which tracks by learning the appearance of the object as the video progresses and shows a good performance in long-term tracking task. But our experiments show that under some scenarios, such as as non-uniform illumination changing, serious occlusion, or motion-blurred, it may fails to track the object. this paper, to surmount some of these shorts, especially for the non-uniform illumination changing, and give full play to the performance of the tracking-learning-detection framework, we integrate the local binary pattern (LBP) with the cascade classifiers, and define a new classifier named ULBP (Uniform Local Binary Patterns) classifiers. Where the object appearance has rich texture features, the ULBP classifier will work instead of the nearest neighbor classifier in TLD algorithm, and a recognition module is designed to choose the appropriate classifier between the original nearest neighbor (NN) classifier and the ULBP classifier.To further decrease the computing load of the proposed tracking approach. A comprehensive study has been conducted to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm (TLD_ULBP), and different multi-property datasets were used The quantitative evaluations show a significant improvement over the original TLD, especially in various litghting cases.
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