中华人民共和国成立后,形成了“一边倒”的外交格局,曾经历过各行各业向苏联“老大哥”学习的历史阶段。本文将对这一时期学习苏联的情况作个粗浅的考察。一 早在建国前,中共中央就认识到我们没有社会主义建设的经验,必须向外国学习。1949年5月至8月,刘少奇率领中
After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, a “one-sided” diplomatic pattern was formed and all the various trades and industries experienced the historical stage of studying with the “big brother” of the Soviet Union. This article will give a superficial examination of the situation in the Soviet Union during this period. Early in the founding of the People’s Republic, the CPC Central Committee realized that we have no experience in socialist construction and must learn from foreign countries. May 1949 to August, Liu Shaoqi led