南京大学声学研究所最近研制成功一种新型的岩土声波仪,今年6月在南京大学由省高教局主持的鉴定会上,同济大学声学所、南京工程兵工程学院、河海大学、南京水利科学院等单位的专家们认为,该仪器的主要性能指标达到国内先进水平,在发射功率和探测距离方面达到国外先进产品的水平。 该仪器主要用于岩体、土体、混凝土工程中的现场声波无损检测。由于采用调制脉冲作为发射声场,提高了电声有效转换效率、增加了声功率输出,使检测声波在岩土中的穿透距离和探测范围较原有仪器提
The Institute of Acoustics of Nanjing University has recently developed a new type of geophone for rock and soil. In June this year, at the appraisal hosted by the Provincial Higher Education Bureau of Nanjing University, the Institute of Acoustics, Tongji University, Nanjing Institute of Engineering, Hohai University, and Nanjing Institute of Hydraulics Experts of other organizations believe that the instrument’s main performance indicators have reached the domestic advanced level, and reached the level of foreign advanced products in terms of launch power and detection distance. The instrument is mainly used for on-site acoustic wave non-destructive testing in rock mass, soil and concrete works. Due to the use of modulated pulses as the emission sound field, the effective conversion efficiency of electroacoustics is increased, and the acoustic power output is increased, so that the penetration distance and detection range of detection sound waves in rock and soil are higher than those of existing instruments.