唐山市新区常庄乡张家洼村蔬菜专业户张玉荣,1995年至1997年,每年种植大葱二亩,连续三年亩产超过万斤,每亩收入2500多元。他的科学植葱管理经验,主要是以下三点: 一、施足底肥,适期栽植,保证成活 在大葱栽植前半个月左右整好地,挖好葱沟,每亩施优质农家肥一万斤以上,三元素复合肥30斤。六月上旬开始定植,定植
Zhang Yurong, Zhangjiawa Village, Changzhuang Township, Tangshan New District, from 1995 to 1997, two-year-old green onions were planted for more than three years. The yield per mu reached more than 2,500 yuan. His scientific experience in onion management, mainly the following three points: First, the application of adequate fertilizer, planted properly, to ensure that the survival of the first half of about half a month before planting green onion, dug onion ditch, per mu high-quality farm fertilizer ten thousand Kg above, 30 pounds of three elements of compound fertilizer. Beginning in early June planting, planting