九届全国人大一次会议早已闭幕,电视中一些难忘的场面仍在眼前浮现。不知是出于对朱镕基当选总理的祝贺,抑或是被他的勇气和信心所感染,记者招待会上朱总理亲切自然的音容笑貌,不禁使人回忆起他在香港的一次演讲,由此浮想联翩,引人深思,催人深省。 去年下半年,身为国务院副总理的朱镕基在香港就中国的经济形势和发展前景作了一次演讲。组织者规定1250美元(折合港币逾8000元)一张入场券,却也座无虚席。朱副总理风趣幽默的词锋使
The first meeting of the Ninth National People’s Congress has long been closed and some unforgettable scenes on television are still emerging. I do not know out of congratulations on Zhu Rongji’s election as prime minister, or were infected by his courage and confidence. At a press conference, Premier Zhu’s gracious and natural voice and smile reminded people of his speech in Hong Kong. , Thought-provoking, inspiring. In the second half of last year, as the vice premier of the State Council, Zhu Rongji made a speech in Hong Kong on China’s economic situation and development prospects. Organizer provides $ 1,250 (equivalent to more than 8,000 yuan Hong Kong dollars) a ticket, but also packed. Vice Premier Zhu’s humorous word Feng make