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又想起童年。握了几年的笔,似乎只有今天才派得上用场。跳动了十几年的心,似乎只有这时才最澎湃。微闭双眼,嘴唇不由得颤动。抬头望望天,才发现最天真的只属于小时候。 Also think of childhood. The pen that held for several years seems to only come in handy today. The heart that has been beating for more than ten years seems to be the most embarrassing. Microscopic eyes closed, lips could not help but tremble. Looking up at the sky, I discovered that the most naive was only a child.
尽管曾经落下伤心泪水尽管不止一次失落崩溃但过去已成历史,挫败不必后悔我们需要做好现在我们需要相信未来翻开彩色的书面睁开黑色的双眼多少次负重又有多少声呐喊: Despit
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转身离开,带着无奈,只因她对梦的追逐,对梦的期待。  ——题记    (一)玻璃瓶之缘  平静的湖面泛着清波。风,轻柔的吹拂,柳,轻舞飞扬。是上天的安排吗?欣拾起这四处漂流的玻璃瓶,精致,玲珑。  “嗨,上天注定的缘份,能交朋友吗?”  ——宇轩  简单,明了,一笔而过。欣,沉思了:多年来,她的冰冷,她的孤立,早已在她心灵上蒙上了一层薄纱,朋友,不曾有过,心事,不曾诉说过。  “可以啊。不过你可别
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on January 11,2011,a bronze statue of Confucius,nearly eight meters high,was unveiled in the northern square of China’s National Museum,which stands on the eas
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