In this paper, we observed the inhibitory effect of neurotoxic agents sarin, soman, tabun and VX on purified human brain acetylcholinesterase and the in vitro reactivation of enzymes inhibited by oximes against these agents. The results showed that the agent inhibited the pI50 of human brain acetylcholinesterase from 7.9 to 9.1, and the inhibitory potency of the agent was: soman> sarin ≈VX> tabun, lipids chlorophosphorus, bisphospholipids, bis Phosphorus and HI-6 had a significant effect on human brain acetylcholinesterase reactivation by sarin and VX inhibition, but weak enzyme inhibition by soman and tabun and different drugs inhibited acetylcholinesterase Enzyme reactivation is also significantly different, and the rat brain acetylcholinesterase experimental results are similar.