我们医药卫生工作者和全国人民一样,热烈地祝贺伊拉克共和国成立,反对美英武装侵略黎巴嫩和约旦。 7月13日以卡塞姆将军为首的伊拉克爱国军人,象1952年7月以纳赛尔为首的“自由军官组织”执行委员会那样发动了军事政变,推翻了美英帝国主义走狗费萨尔王朝和消灭了卖国贼赛义德统治的政府,建立了反对帝国主义的人民共和国。伊拉克共和国政府一成立,就宣布奉行万隆会议原则,退出美英帝国主义所操纵的巴格达条约。这是伊拉克人民的伟大胜利,它的意义是非常重大的。正如人民日报6月16日社论所说:“从此,亚洲又多了一个挣脱殖民枷锁取得民族独立的国家,又多了一个反对侵略、爱好和平
Like our people, our medical and health workers warmly congratulate the founding of the Republic of Iraq on the armed opposition by the United States and Britain to Lebanon and Jordan. On July 13, Iraqi patriotic soldiers led by General Kassem, like the Executive Committee of the “Free Officers’ Organization headed by Nasser in July 1952, launched a military coup that overthrowed and destroyed the British and British imperialist lackeys Faisal, The government ruled by the tyrant Saeed established the People’s Republic against imperialism. As soon as the government of the Republic of Iraq was established, it declared that it would abide by the principles of the Bandung Conference and withdraw from the Baghdad treaty governed by imperialists in the United States and Britain. This is a great victory for the Iraqi people and its significance is very significant. As the editorial in the People’s Daily on June 16 said: ”Since then, there has been another one in Asia that has gained the independence of its colonial yoke and achieved national independence. It has another one that opposes aggression and loves peace