EC120直升机是由中国、法国(欧洲直升机公司)和新加坡三国联合研制生产的单发5座轻型直升机。该机于1995年6月首飞,并随后获得了欧洲联合适航当局(JAA)、美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)和中国民航等20多个国家的适航认可。目前在世界范围内已有200多个客户正在使用该型直升机。 EC120是一种军、警、民通用的多用途直升机,可广泛应用于城市治安巡逻、交通监管、防暴缉私、追捕和医疗
The EC120 helicopter is a single 5-light helicopter jointly developed and manufactured by China, France (Eurocopter) and Singapore. The aircraft first flew in June 1995 and was later accredited by more than 20 countries such as the Joint Airworthiness Authority (JAA), the United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Civil Aviation of China. More than 200 customers worldwide are currently using this type of helicopter. The EC120 is a versatile multi-purpose helicopter for military, police and civilians that can be widely used in urban security patrols, traffic regulation, riot control, hunt and medical treatment