善待错误 生成精彩

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著名教育专家成尚荣说过,“我们的教室就是一个允许学生出错的地方。出错了,课程才能生成,也正是在‘出错’和‘改错’的探究过程中,课堂才是最活的,教学才是最美的,学生的生命才是最有价值的”。失败是成功之母,成人经常都会犯错误,何况小学生呢?所以我们在课堂上应该正视学生的错误,关注学生错误背后的思维方式、思维过程;同时,老师要学会巧妙地利用学生的错误,生成课堂的精彩。 Famous education expert Cheng Shangrong said: “Our classroom is a place where students can make mistakes. If something goes wrong, courses can be generated. It is also in the process of inquiry into ’mistakes’ and ’mistakes’ Live, teaching is the most beautiful, the student’s life is the most valuable ”. Failure is the mother of success, adults often make mistakes, not to mention pupils? So in the classroom we should face up to the students’ mistakes, pay attention to the thinking and thinking process behind the mistakes of the students. At the same time, teachers should learn to make clever use of the mistakes of students, Generate the wonderful classroom.