,New Dimensions for a Challenging Security Environment: Growing Exposure to Critical Space Infrastru

来源 :国际灾害风险科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tangdeqian1102
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Space systems have become a key enabler for a wide variety of applications that are vital to the functioning of advanced societies.The trend is one of quantitative and qualitative increase of this dependence,so much so that space systems have been described as a new example of critical infrastructure.This article argues that the existence of critical space infrastructures implies the emergence of a new category of disasters related to disruption risks.We inventory those risks and make policy recommendations for what is,ultimately,a resilience goveance issue.
Assessment of spatiotemporal characteristics of drought under climate change is significant for drought mitigation.In this study,the standardized precipitation
湿害是由田间土壤含水量太高对作物造成的伤害。湿害已严重影响着大麦的生产,造成世界各国大麦生产不同程度减产,对我国尤其是长江中下游地区影响严重。有关大麦湿害耐湿性遗传和分子标记方面的报道还不多,难以满足大麦耐湿育种的需要。因此,开展有关大麦耐湿性的遗传和分子标记研究将对耐湿育种具有重要的指导作用。本研究利用Stirling×京裸11 F_2群体,初步发展了与耐湿基因相连锁的SSR分子标记。 目
The Global Alliance of Disaster Research Institutes held its 3rd Global Summit of Research Institutes for Disaster Risk Reduction at the Disaster Prevention Res