“Love” is a brand-new masterpiece created by Nihon Ki-in following the debut record in Taiwan. It is also a highlight of the Huayi Brothers movie “H Plan” and will be released on Valentine’s Day 2012. As early as the beginning of filming, the cast and the backstage team have been enthusiastic about the media and fans in three places across the Taiwan Strait. Currently, “Love” is making a hot beat in Beijing. As a co-prodution film, “Love” assembled the most “spicy ” team in both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Under the invitation of director Niu Chengze, the actress is not only shadow-level with Zhao Wei and Shu Qi, but also the Cenozoic Chen Yihan and Guo Jie Jie ; The actor is led by Niu Chengze himself “type four men ”: including because of “艋 舺” won last year’s Golden Horse actor Ruan Jingtian,