温州市位于中国黄金海岸线中段,依傍瓯江,濒临东海,东南占西太平洋和中国东南沿海之利,西北拥闽,赣、鄂、湘等中部省份辽阔的腹地,是浙南的经济、文化和交通中心,素有“东瓯名镇”之称。 温州土地肥沃,山海兼利,气候适宜,物产十分丰富,还有大量蕴藏的资源,已发现的矿藏有铅、锌、锡等40多种,探明大小矿点300多处。 温州海岸线长355公里,港口条件优越,已建成1000吨至1万吨级的大小码头泊位33个,可再建5000吨至10万吨级码头泊位近100个。1964年,温州港恢复对外开放以来,辟有日本、朝鲜、香港等中远航线,中外商船往来频繁,客货运输四通八达。温州机场建成后,
Wenzhou is located in the middle of the golden coastline of China. It borders on the Oujiang River and borders on the East China Sea. It occupies a favorable position in the southeast coast of the western Pacific and the southeast coast of China. The hinterland of the central provinces such as Fujian, Jiangxi, Hubei and Hunan in the northwest is the hinterland of the economic, Traffic Center, known as “East Ou town” said. Wenzhou has fertile land and enjoys favorable sea and climates with suitable climate and rich natural resources. There are also a large number of hidden resources. There are over 40 discovered lead, zinc and tin deposits in more than 300 proven ore spots. Wenzhou coastline 355 km long, the port superior conditions, has completed the size of 1000 tons to 10000 tonnage berths 33, can be rebuilt from 5000 tons to 100000 tons of berths, nearly 100 berths. In 1964, since the opening of Wenzhou Port to the outside world, there have been shipping lines of Japan, North Korea, Hong Kong and other places with frequent merchant ships and frequent transport of goods by passenger and freight lines. After the completion of Wenzhou Airport,