The museum’s business operations include two major collections and exhibition units. However, most of the previous works of classical museum studies focus on the collection of the unit of work, such as the research on the restoration, classification and management of collections, the archeology and history studies on the collections, the studies on bibliography and bibliography based on collections and many more. There are few researches on this important unit of exhibition in the museum, and most of the existing achievements are only based on the philology of one or several specific exhibitions. There is not much, thorough and systematic study of the museum In the exhibition business results. The purpose and spirit of the modern museum lies in its objective of sharing knowledge and art for the public through exhibitions through collection, research and exhibition. Exhibition in the process of achieving the spirit of the museum is a very important part of the work; the exhibition is both a real museum practice, but also lively and vivid museum history. In this column, Li Wanwan, an invited young scholar, opens the column entitled “Research Series of Centennial Exhibitions of China National Museum” to systematically study the 100-year exhibition of the most representative museums in China as a thematic subject. This column will be the first step in filling this academic gap and an important attempt to establish a new academic standard.