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2001年以来,山东大学考古系在寿光北部的盐业遗址采集到几件带有戳印陶文的东周时代陶器残件,包括陶豆柄4件、陶罐底部残片1件。新发现的陶文与齐国都城临淄所出陶文极为相似,我们认为这一发现对于研究战国时期齐国陶器的生产与流通提供了实物证据,同时在研究齐国海盐的生产与流通方面也有一定的学术价值。本文首先介绍寿光北部盐业遗址新发现陶文,然后就相关问题进行初步探讨。 Since 2001, the archeological department of Shandong University collected a few pieces of pottery from the Eastern Zhou Dynasty with stamps on the salt sites in northern Shouguang, including four pieces of pottery stalks and one piece of pottery bottom. The newly discovered Tao Wenzi is very similar to the Tao Wen of Linzi in Qi State Capital. We think this finding provides physical evidence for the study of the production and distribution of Qi pottery in the Warring States Period. At the same time, there is a certain amount of research on the production and circulation of Qi Guo Hai Salt academic value. This article first introduces the newly discovered Tao Wen in northern Shouguang salt industry site, and then discusses the related issues.
端午节,是我国四大传统节日之一。端午节萌芽于先秦时期,汉代,作为节日正式形成,只是此时节日流行的名称是五月五日。  关于五月五日的起源,民间有许多说法,其中最为流行的是纪念屈原说。传说楚国大夫屈原于五月五日投汨罗江自尽,人们为了纪念他,便于每年此时举行各种活动,遂形成端午节。此外还有“效仿勾践操演水师说”、“纪念伍子胥说”等说法。但学者多认为这些说法是五月五日成为节日后,人们为了解释其节俗活动所作