We conducted a statistical analysis of death registration cards for esophageal cancer from 1981 to 1990 in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. The results are as follows: 1. In Jieyang City in 1981-1990, a total of 8595 people died from esophageal cancer, with a cumulative population of 13,233,148 and an average annual mortality rate of 64.95 per 100 thousand. China has a standardized mortality rate of 61.59 per 100 thousand people, and the world’s population has a standardized mortality rate of 85.68 per 100 thousand. 2. In the ten years, the cumulative number of male deaths was 5,394, the average annual mortality rate was 78.57 per 100,000, (5,394/6,865,129), the standardised death rate of China’s population was 94.01 per 100,000, and the standard death rate of the world’s population was 127.69/ L0 million; female death rate of 50.27/l0 million (3201/6368019), China’s population standardization mortality 42.14/10 million, the world population standardization mortality 56.77/10 million. Male: Female is 1.56:1. Mortality increases with age. 3. The regional distribution of mortality is high in hilly areas in the plains.