1 2011年党建工作总结和回顾1.1创先争优活动与学习型党组织建设工作紧密结合,推动了公司又好又快发展1.1.1学习型党组织建设全面推进。各级党组织认真组织广大党员和职工深入学习和贯彻落实中央精神,把握国资委党委的各项部署和要求。公司领导班子坚持通过党委中心组学习、民主生活会、研讨会等形式深化对科学发展观的理解和把握,在深入学习调研的基础上,确立了新的五年发展规划,提出了供应链集成服务业务模式和贸产融一
1 summary and review of party building work in 2011 1.1 create excellent activities and learning party organizations closely integrated to promote the sound and rapid development of the company 1.1.1 learning party organizations to promote the building. Party organizations at all levels conscientiously organized the majority of Party members and workers to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the Central Government and grasp the various arrangements and requirements of the Party committees of the SASAC. The leading group of the Company insisted on deepening the understanding and grasping of the scientific concept of development through the study of the central group of Party committees, democratic life meetings and seminars. On the basis of in-depth study and research, the Company established a new five-year development plan and put forward the concept of supply chain integration Service business model and trade integration