勇挑重担 情系百姓——记辽宁省“五一”劳动奖章获得者、凤城市劳动模范、凤城市自来水公司经理、凤城市自来水公司董事长关成新

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近些年来,由于种种原因自来水公司经营举步维艰,连年亏损,人心涣散。面对因境,他毅然挑起重担,带领职工勤奋工作,开拓创新,锐意改革,求真务实,在短短的两年时间里,就摘掉了亏损的帽子,为公司实现跨跃式发展奠定了基础。两年来,他以厂为家,没有休息一个节假日,深更半夜接到报漏维修电话时,每次都亲临现场,坐阵指挥。去年9月,他患了严重的流行感冒,当时正值公司水源应急工程及工程接水的关键时期,工期紧、任务重,他坚持白天上班,晚上输液,硬是带病作战了半个多月,顺利地完成工程任务……所有这些职工 In recent years, due to various reasons, water company has struggled to survive and has been losing money in recent years. Face of the situation, he decided to provoke the burden, and lead the hard work of staff, pioneering and innovative, determined to reform, pragmatic, in just two years, it took off the loss of the hat for the company to achieve leaps and bounds Foundation. In the past two years, he took the factory as a home and did not have a rest. He received a telephone call at the maintenance center every night to visit the scene and give directions. Last September, he was suffering from a severe influenza. At that time, he was in the critical period of emergency water supply and water supply to the company. Due to the tight schedule and heavy tasks, he insisted on going to work during the day and transfusion at night. , Successfully completed the engineering tasks ...... all these workers
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