报载,广东省民政厅副厅长苏凤娟在任徐闻县委书记短短4年间,利用职务之便,通过批转土地、拨给贷款、批准人事调动等,大量索取收受贿赂及礼金、红包,非法所得及赃款计人民币128万元、港币10余万元,以及大批珠宝首饰等实物。 在体制变改的时期,党内挖出一条“蛀虫”本不足怪,但值得人们深思的是:苏凤娟任职的徐闻县是湛江地区有名的贫困县,她置人民的贫困于不顾,采取“公开伸手”、”暗示索要”、“先收钱再办事”、“办事
According to the newspaper, Su Fengjuan, deputy director of the Guangdong Provincial Civil Affairs Department, took office as secretary of Xuwen County for just four years, taking advantage of his position, obtaining lots of bribes and gifts, red envelopes and illegal gains by transferring land, appropriating loans and approving personnel transfers. And stolen money amounted to 1.28 million yuan, more than 10 million Hong Kong dollars, as well as a large number of jewelry and other in-kind. In the time when the system was changed, it was not strange to dig out a “borers” within the party. However, it is worth noting that it is worth noting: Xuwen County, where Su Fengjuan serves, is a well-known poor county in Zhanjiang. She disregards the people’s poverty and adopts the principle of “ Reach out ”,“ implied asking for ”,“ first pay money and then do things ”," service