通过不同型号、不同浓度ABT生根粉处理的银中杨扦插苗试验表明 :ABT生根粉促进银中杨扦插苗生根作用明显 ,生根时间可提前一周 ,以一号、六号含原液质量分数为 1.0× 10 - 4的浓度 ,效果最佳 ,成活率达 80 %。高生长较对照提高 1.5倍。纯增效益 4 .5万元 /hm2 。
The results showed that ABT rooting powder can promote rooting of Populus pruinosa cuttings by rooting powder with different types and different concentrations of ABT rooting powder, rooting time can be one week earlier, × 10 - 4 concentration, the best effect, the survival rate of 80%. High growth 1.5 times higher than the control. Pure benefit 4,500 yuan / hm2.