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庄锡华的《文艺理论的世纪风标》是一部在理论的价值坐标系中有所探求的著作。此书以历史为经线、以20世纪文艺理论中四个凸显的主题为纬线作为叙述的基本框架。我们既可以将它作为一部20世纪的文艺理论发展史来读,又可以从作者对四个无可避让的理论母题的理性谛视中,寻觅到有价值的理论探索。 Zhuang Xihua’s “literary theory of the century weather standard” is a book in the theoretical value of the coordinate search system. This book takes history as the meridian, and takes the four highlighted themes in the 20th century literature and art theory as the latitude as the basic frame of narration. We can not only read it as a history of 20th century literary theory, but also seek valuable theoretical exploration from the author’s rational view of the four unavoidable theoretical motifs.