Purification of Total Saponins in FRUCTUS TRIBULI by Macroporous Adsorption Resins

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:flyingmain
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[Objective] The aim was to select a resin suitable for the purification of total saponins in FRUCTUS TRIBULI from the 10 types of macroporous adsorption resins. [Method] The static absorption rate and desorption rate of total saponins in FRUCTUS TRIBULI by different types of macroporous adsorption resins were compared. And HPD-300 resin was eluted by different concentrations of ethanol to calculate the purity and recovery rate of total saponins. [Result] The recovery rate and purity of HPD-300 resin was as high as 87% and 68%, respectively. [Conclusion] HPD-300 resin showed good comprehensive property, and was suitable for the isolation and purification the total saponins in FRUCTUS TRIBULI. [Objective] The aim was to select a resin suitable for the purification of total saponins in FRUCTUS TRIBULI from the 10 types of macroporous adsorption resins. [Method] The static absorption rate and desorption rate of total saponins in FRUCTUS TRIBULI by different types of macroporous And the HPD-300 resin was eluted by different concentrations of ethanol to calculate the purity and recovery rate of total saponins. [Result] The recovery rate and purity of HPD-300 resin was as high as 87% and 68% , respectively. [Conclusion] HPD-300 resin showed good comprehensive property, and was suitable for the isolation and purification the total saponins in FRUCTUS TRIBULI.
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