开远市果酒厂建厂于1958年,其生产杂果酒的历史悠久,可追溯至清末。 开远市果酒厂一度因品种单一,产品结构不合理,市场占有率低,管理混乱,负债累累,而频临破产倒闭。1993年6月,刘稳生厂长受命于危难之际,励精图治、锐意改革,带领全厂干部职工实施第二次创业。强化企业管理,向管理要效益;大力调整产品
Kaiyuan Fruit Wine Factory was established in 1958. Its production of fruit wine has a long history and can be traced back to the late Qing Dynasty. Kaiyuan City Fruit Winery was once due to a single species, irrational product structure, low market share, chaotic management, indebtedness, and frequent bankruptcy. In June 1993, Liu Shengsheng was ordered to work in a distressed situation, and he made every effort to reform and reform, and led the employees of the entire plant to implement the second venture. Strengthen enterprise management, benefit from management, and vigorously adjust products