
来源 :福建党史月刊 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:proudboy_linux_wzh
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日前,本刊记者采访了原福州军区司令员皮定均的夫人张烽同志。皮定均参加红四方面军长征,1955年授予中将军衔。皮定均,安徽省金寨县人,1914年生。1928年加入中国共产主义青年团,1929年参加中国工农红军,1931年转为中国共产党党员。土地革命战争时期任红四军第十二师三十五团排长、连指导员、营政治教导员、红军大学上级指挥科副科长、步兵学校第一营营长、教导师第二团团长。他14岁参加革命,从鄂豫皖苏区反“围剿”斗争到川陕根据地的创建,从二万五千里长征到豫北、豫西抗日根据地的开辟,从中原突围、淮海战役到抗美援朝,浴血疆场,屡建战功。朝鲜战争刚停战,皮定均被调往福建前线,为建设东南沿海海防作出了出色的贡献。1969年,皮定均任兰州军区司令员,为西北边防建设鞠躬尽瘁。1974年,他任福州军区司令员,直到1976年组织检查军事演习而以身殉职。他把一生献给了中国人民的革命事业。 Recently, our correspondents interviewed Comrade Zhang Feng, the wife of the former Fuzhou military commander Piding. Pipin were participating in the Red Army four long march, awarded the rank of lieutenant general in 1955. Pidian average, Jinzhai County, Anhui Province, born in 1914. In 1928 to join the Chinese Communist Youth League, in 1929 to participate in the Red Army of Chinese workers and peasants, in 1931 converted to the Chinese Communist Party. In the period of the Agrarian Revolutionary War, the 12th division of the Fourth Red Army, the 35th platoon leader, even the instructor and battalion political instructor, the deputy chief of the command department of the Red Army University, the first battalion commander of the infantry school and the second regiment of the instructors. He joined the revolution at the age of 14, from the fight against “encirclement and suppression” in the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union and the Soviet Union in Jiangsu Province to the establishment of the Chuan-Shan base area from the long march of 25,000 to the opening up of the anti-Japanese base area in the north of Henan Province and the western Henan Province, Bloody battlefield, repeatedly built merit. Just as the Korean Armistice Truce ceased fighting and Pidin was transferred to the front of Fujian Province, it made outstanding contributions to the construction of coastal defense in the southeast coast. In 1969, Pidgin served as commander of the Lanzhou Military Region, spared no efforts in the construction of the Northwest Frontier Defense. In 1974, he served as Commander of the Fuzhou Military Region until 1976, organized a military exercise and died. He dedicated his life to the revolutionary cause of the Chinese people.
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