联想的“新时代双模式”——一个叫传统业务,一个叫互联网业务。与过去一样,“新时代双模式”仍然会先在中国做好实验,然后推向海外市场在即将过去的2014年里,联想集团董事长兼CEO杨元庆仍然跟前几年一样,花很多时间奔波于全球各地,不过,今年他待在中国的时间长了不少,因为他必须为联想的两次大收购而等候。直到10月30日,两只靴子终于全部落了下来,联想顺利完成对IBM X86和摩托罗拉移动业务的收购。这天,杨元庆在位于美国芝加哥的摩托罗拉移动总部,与刘军、Rick Osterioh一起享用比萨。为了庆祝这次收购,比萨上面专门做了个经典的“MOTO”造型。杨元庆将收购之后的重担分别交给了刘军
Lenovo “new era dual mode ” - one is called the traditional business, one is called the Internet business. As in the past, “new era dual mode ” will still be the first in China to experiment, and then to overseas markets in the upcoming 2014, Lenovo Group Chairman and CEO Yang Yuanqing still just as in previous years, spend a lot of time Rush around the world, but this year he stayed in China for a lot of time, because he had to wait for the two major acquisitions Lenovo. Until October 30, the two boots finally all fell off, Lenovo successfully completed the acquisition of the IBM X86 and Motorola mobile business. On this day, Yang Yuanqing enjoyed pizza with Liu Jun and Rick Osterioh at the Motorola Mobility Headquarters in Chicago. To celebrate the acquisition, pizza above specifically made a classic “MOTO ” shape. Yang Yuanqing the burden after the acquisition were handed over to Liu Jun