NC概念的诞生也就一年半以前,关于NC的谈论不绝于耳。处于同一起跑线上的大公司们、小公司们、大人物们、小人物们紧随Oracle的总裁Larry Ellison其后,纷纷发表关于NC的大胆设想,也纷纷推出支持NC或NetPC参考规范的产品。虽说这些产品不算很成熟,但谁也不想在“以网络为中心”的时代中落伍。今年是NC非常关键的一年。NC在这段时间的沉寂说明它正在蓄势待发,有了那些脚踏实地开发NC的厂商们,人们期待着NC进入实战阶段。有人曾经预言,今年,NC产品要么在市场上异军突起,要么被人遗忘。让我们一起回顾NC……
NC concept was born a year and a half ago, talking about NC endless. Large companies, small businesses, big names, and small people at the same starting line, followed by Larry Ellison, Oracle’s president, have since come out with bold ideas about NCs and products that support NC or NetPC reference specifications. Although these products are not very mature, but no one wants to fall behind in the “network-centric” era. This year is a very crucial year for NC. NC quiet during this time shows that it is gaining momentum, with those who down-to-earth NC manufacturers, people are looking forward to the NC into the actual combat phase. Someone once predicted that this year NC products will either come out in the market or be forgotten. Let’s review NC together