目的探讨视网膜母细胞瘤(RB)的影像特征及其诊断价值。方法回顾性分析31例经病理证实的RB影像资料。所有病例均行CT检查,14例行MRI检查,4例行超声检查。结果 27例具有典型RB的CT表现:眼球后部软组织肿块;斑点状或团块状钙化(4例无钙化);视神经增粗3例。MRI显示14例球内肿块,视神经增粗2例。超声4例均显示球后方肿块回声,可见钙化强光斑伴后方声影。结论 CT对肿瘤具有定性诊断作用,MRI对无钙化肿块鉴别诊断及对视神经受侵犯具有重要意义。超声对肿块的钙化显示较好,而且应用彩色多普勒超声可对肿块内的血流信号进一步分析。
Objective To investigate the imaging features of retinoblastoma (RB) and its diagnostic value. Methods Retrospective analysis of 31 cases of pathologically confirmed RB imaging data. All cases underwent CT examination, 14 cases of MRI examination, 4 cases of ultrasound. Results The CT findings of 27 patients with typical RB showed soft tissue mass in the posterior eyeball, speckled or mass calcification (no calcification in 4 patients) and thickening of the optic nerve in 3 patients. MRI showed 14 cases of ball mass, optic nerve thickening in 2 cases. Ultrasound in 4 cases showed echo of the posterior mass of the tumor, visible calcification with bright spots with the back of the sound. Conclusion CT has the function of qualitative diagnosis of tumor. MRI is of great significance for the differential diagnosis of calcification without calcification and the invasion of optic nerve. Ultrasound on the calcification of the tumor showed better, and the application of color Doppler ultrasound can be further analysis of the blood flow within the tumor signal.