在区域主义中,经济无疑是最有力的变量,但毕竟不是惟一的变量 过去一些年来,欧盟和北美的区域主义进一步强化,并继而促进政治和外交方面的合作与协调。但东北亚的发展则显现出相反的趋向,中日韩之间的经济关系迅速发展,但相互间的政治和外交关系不仅没有走向合作,反而矛盾愈来愈大。根本原因在于,中日韩三国在政治上缺少一个共
In regionalism, economy is undoubtedly the most powerful variable, but it is not the only variable after all. Over the past few years, the regionalism in the EU and North America have been further strengthened, which in turn has promoted political and diplomatic cooperation and coordination. However, the development in Northeast Asia shows the opposite trend. The economic relations between China, Japan and South Korea have developed rapidly. However, the political and diplomatic relations between each other have not only failed to move toward cooperation but have intensified their conflicts. The fundamental reason is that China, Japan and South Korea lacked one political total