20世纪是世界经济空前发展的世纪。科学技术飞速发展 ,经济全球化不断加深 ,区域经济一体化趋势显著 ,跨国公司对世界经济的影响日益增强 ,发展中国家也得到了前所未有的发展。回顾世界经济发展的进程 ,总结经验教训 ,认识世界经济发展的客观规律 ,有利于我们在新的世纪抓住机遇 ,迎接挑战 ,加快发展。为此 ,我们组织了以下一组文章 ,以飨读者。
The 20th century is an unprecedented century of world economy. With the rapid development of science and technology, deepening economic globalization, significant trend of regional economic integration, increasing influence of multinational corporations on the world economy, and unprecedented progress in developing countries. Reviewing the course of world economic development, summing up experiences and lessons and understanding the objective laws governing world economic development will help us to seize the opportunities, meet the challenges and accelerate the development in the new century. To this end, we organized the following set of articles to readers.