震动我国经济学界的“郎咸平旋 风”是去年8月刮起来的。起因是, 香港中文大学的郎咸平教授看了我 国几家国有企业公布的“改制”前后 的账目,认为其中有“化公为私”、 侵吞国有资产的问题,便在互联网上 连续发表八篇文章予以批评揭露。我 国一批经济学家著文猛烈抨击郎咸 平教授的论点,另一批经济学家则著 文支持郎咸平。于是展开了关于国有 企业资产流失的大讨论,被称为“郎 咸平旋风”。
The “Lang Xianping Tornado” shaking our country’s economics circles was scraped last August. The cause was that Professor Lang Xianping of the Chinese University of Hong Kong watched the accounts of several state-owned enterprises before and after the “restructuring” system. He believed that there were issues involving “publicizing the public as a private company” and embezzling state-owned assets. Eight articles were continuously published on the Internet. Criticize and expose it. A group of economists in our country slammed the arguments of Professor Lang Xianping violently. Another group of economists wrote in support of Lang Xianping. A big discussion about the loss of assets in state-owned enterprises was initiated and it was called the “Lang Xianping whirlwind.”