Philadelphia Water Bad for Elderly Health — Study

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美国的环境保护工作无疑走在世界的前列。凡是到过美国的人都会被那里优美清洁的环境所倾倒。美国的自来水(tap water),可以直接饮用。…its tap water was filled with pathogens.这将是一个极为可怕的情景!本报道在肯定费城的tap water有问题时,振振有辞。而费城市长的发言人在驳斥这个结论的时候,也不乏根据:He noted that an EPA authorized peer review of the study found it flawed. 费城的市长发言人说过的一句话值得我们研究: No one has hinted that our water quality wasn’t the best in the region. 初读此句,可能被句中的两个否定词所惑:no/not。其实,我们不能以“否定+否定=肯定”的公式来套用本句。本句的关键在于:wasn’t the best。这里使用了一种被称为understatement的修辞,…our water quality wasn’t the best in the region的弦外之音是:there was some problem in our water quality in the region. 形容词的比较级常常用在understatement中。另如,在《英语900句》中,有这样一个对话: What do you think of the performance? I think it could be better. 回答中的could be better即understatement,意思是:还可以更好些;不是很好。 No one has hinted that our water quality wa America’s environmental protection work undoubtedly walk in the forefront of the world. All who have been to the United States will be dumped by the beautiful and clean environment there. Tap water in the United States is ready to drink. It’s going to be a terrible scenario! This report resonates with affirmation of the tap water problem in Philadelphia. While the Philadelphia Mayor’s spokesman dismissed this conclusion, there is no shortage of grounds: He noted that an EPA authorized peer review of the study found it flawed. The Philadelphia Mayor Spokesman’s remark worthy of our study: No one has hinted that our water quality was not the best in the region. The first reading of this sentence may be confused by two negatives in the sentence: no / not. In fact, we can not apply this sentence to the formula of “negative + negative = positive”. The key to this sentence is: was not the best. Here is a rhetoric called understatement ... our water quality was not the best in the region’s chord: is was some problem in our water quality in the region. Adjectives are often used in understatements. Another example, in the “English 900 sentence”, there is such a dialogue: What do you think of the performance? I think it could be better. Answer could could be better understatement, meaning: can be better; not very it is good. No one has hinted that our water quality wa
下面三幅图表现出聚会场景中典型的防卫、进攻和追求的动作群。圈1三个人都是双臂交叉,其中两位还双腿交叉(防卫),他们的身体都不朝向对方,这表明他们是初次见面。 The thr
目的 研究采用静脉留置针治疗的儿科患儿接受针对性护理干预的临床价值.方法 抽取过去在我院采用静脉留置针治疗的儿科患儿72例,以随机分组的形式将其分成对照组和观察组,平
Return to the rack after use 阅毕送回 No admittance except on business非公莫入 Closed 今日休息 Knock 请先敲门 Save water 节约用水 No spitting 请勿随地吐痰 Ret
1.要保证呼吸道的通畅,首先要清除患者口中的异物。然后将一只手放在他的颏下,另一只手放在额头上,使头部向后倾。 2.掐闭患者的鼻孔,将你的嘴紧贴在患者的嘴上,均匀地向他