“后进何人知老大!” 现在的喜爱文学的青年,知道浦先生的人恐怕不多了.可在30—40年代以至解放初,清华园“双清”的名字是很响亮的.这就是清华大学中文系的朱佩弦(自清)先生和浦江清先生.两位的名字中都有一个“清” 字.浦先生的名字很雅,当时还有人出了一条上联:“浦江清游清江浦”,求对下联,条件极苛:回文;偏旁要一致;人名对人名,地名对地名.听说至今也没有对出来,成为绝对了.
“Who knows who knows the boss!” Now love the literature of young people, I do not know much about Mr. Pu who can be in the 30-40 years and even the beginning of liberation, Tsinghua University “Shuangqing” name is very loud .This is Tsinghua University Mr. Zhu Peixian (Mr. Qing) and Mr. Pu Jiangqing, both of whom have a “Qing” in the name of the Chinese Department of the University, have a very elegant name, and there was another one at that time: “Pujiang Qingyue Qingjiangpu ”, Seeking the next couplet, the conditions are extremely harsh: palindrome; radical should be consistent; name of the names, place names on the place names. I heard that so far out, become absolute.